Wednesday, January 31, 2007


just sittin at work eating strawberries and entering data. yesterday was really long. not bad long just long. ended up having to break up a yelling fight with two of my small group girls. then we had a therapy session. one of them called me dr. phil. i told her that wasn't funny.

this work day has a couple more hours. then tonight i'll get to relax for a little bit before my roommates and i discuss the book we just read. something about finding your calling in life. sorta boring but had some nuggets. talked about shalom. what if we as Christians were actually seeking shalom. what a different world this would be.

tomorrow is february. and today is MB's 26th birthday. Happy Birthday! if i could transport myself to your birthday poker tournament would. hope today is the wonderful beginning to a year filled with adventures.

alright i should get back to work now.


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