Friday, January 12, 2007

Oh the things you learn

Yesterday I learned a couple interesting things ...

1. My stories are so boring they make people fall asleep
2. I'm uncultured
3. There's a fifty-fifty chance that I'm a girl

Maybe there were other things that I learned but I can't remember.

Last night my roommates and I played hide and seek in the dark. That's a good step right?

Couldn't sleep last night. It was a rough day. So then I had a dream that Mission Year is a cult and they do horrible things to people that question them. It was seriously disgusting. I won't write about it on here. Weird right.

Proverbs 12:15

"The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice." (NIV)

"Fools are headstrong and do what they like;
wise people take advice." (The Message)

I'm trying to be wise but it's hard and confusing.

Alright work ... then the roommates and I are headed to Chipotle.

So it came out last night that almost all of them took sparky (the imaginary dog I made up) for a walk with their friends while we were on break. Who says I'm not leaving a mark. It's so embarrassing.

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