Thursday, January 25, 2007

sex talk

So guess what I'm about to be doing very soon? Yep that's it ... teaching abstinence in a Chicago public school. This is really good especially since my super has been pushing me to promote. This isn't exactly what I had in mind. But it just dropped in my lap so I'm thinking it's probably good. Challenging but good. Who woulda eva thunk it?

But it does mean that I'm gonna have to be really prepared. Especially since this teacher wants me in her classroom next week sometime. I'm not a teacher ... but I guess God likes to stretch us out of our comfort zones eh?

I've talked with some of the neighborhood girls about some of this stuff. Made them real uncomfortable ... but someone's gotta do it. And hopefully I'll be talking to the girls in my small group. So that'll be good practice.

I'm reminded of what Don said about always wanting to be leaving the person I was a moment ago. That's exactly what I'm doing the more I follow Christ. I don't want to stay the same. And I guess I'm not going to be able to. To stay the same is to start dying inside. Not exactly something I'm willing to do.

Who knew I would be getting this much experience here in Chicago? And who knew that my job would have such a huge impact on my day to day life? Good thing I ended up at this work site eh? Crazy how God makes everything work out.

Yikes. It's been way more productive than I coulda hoped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, what an adventure! i'm proud of you gurl.