Tuesday, March 20, 2007

the things that i won't eat

Yesterday Kim and I went through the list of food that I don't like. It is as follows:

3.tarter sauce

So pretty much what we've discovered is that I'll eat just about anything(not in the fat way).

At least we both like waffles a lot. And we're going to Australia to see a platypus someday.


mle said...

I totally agree with you on the first three... I can't help but love popcorn shrimp though. haha. I wish there were only 4 things I didn't like...

Anonymous said...

Underrated Laura and Kim. I hope you're planning on keeping a running list so that we can add things whenever we find more. we'll probably have 10 by the time the da boys are shoveling our driveway.


Anonymous said...

i bet you don't like brussel sprouts. there's no way you like those icky things.