Friday, March 02, 2007

A Love Worth Giving

Recently I've been reading like it's my job, and today I started reading A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado. It's wonderful. I will now share some of my favorite quotes.

"Don't think thoughts you don't want Jesus to hear."

"Patience isn't naive. It doesn't ignore misbehavior. It just keeps the flame low. It waits. It listens. It's slow to boil. This is how God treats us. And, according to Jesus, this is how we should treat others."

"'Patient people have great understanding'(Proverbs 14:29). Could it be your impatience stems from a lack of understanding?"

"Farmers in ancient Israel used to train an inexperienced ox by yoking it to an experienced one with a wooden harness. The straps around the older animal were tightly drawn. He carried the load. But the yoke around the younger animal was loose. He walked alongside the more mature ox, but his burden was light."

"He is kind to you. Why don't you be kind to yourself? He forgives your faults. Why don't you do the same? He thinks tomorrow is worth living. Why don't you agree? He believes in you enough to call you his ambassador, his follower, even his child. Why not take his cue and believe in yourself?"

"God withholds what we desire in order to give us what we need."

"Your place in heaven was more important to him than his place in heaven, so he gave up his so you could have yours."

"If I think you are more important than I am...and you think I am more important than you are...and he thinks she is more important than he is...and she thinks he is more important than she is...then in the end everyone feels important but no one acts important."

"We worry about acid rain in silver linings."

"Today's thoughts are tomorrow's actions."

"'Don't talk to me,' we say. 'I'm in a bad mood.' As if a mood were a place to which we were assigned ("I can't call you. I'm in Bosnia) rather than an emotion we permit."

"Rather than store up the sour, store up the sweet."

"Don't you deserve to be punished? And yet, her you are. Reading this book. Breathing. Still witnessing sunsets and hearing babies gurgle. Still watching the seasons change. There are no lashes on your back or hooks in your nose or shackles on your feet. Apparently God hasn't kept a list of your wrongs."

"A little rain can straighten a flower stem. A little love can change a life."

"Love doesn't tear down the convictions of others."

"Real Love Changes People."

And that's as far as I've gotten. But I'm almost done with it. I recommend it. It challenges you to love others by reminding you of how fiercely God loves you.



Gracie said...

Love you! I'm so excited you get to go home for Easter!! Yay!

mle said...

You are so lucky you have time to read for fun. I'm so jealous.

laurannyoung said...

i'm so excited to go home also! can't wait for our easter egg hunts!

and i love that i can read for fun. you'll be able to do it when we live together. we'll make time.
