Saturday, August 11, 2007


this evening I tagged along with Ashley to go with a group of people and hangout with the homeless of Columbus. it made me feel really excited. not only does this group bring food but it appears that they bring hope as well. they're helping people get jobs and housing. it was encouraging to see. I met a lot of wonderful new friends. my favorite was bob. he looks like an enormous chubby elf. he's got the sweetest spirit and gentlest eyes. and he wreaked of alcohol and urine.
my new friend steve and I are going to keep going. plus I met this incredible guy named alex who went down with us. he, ashley and I are going to be friends long into the future. the three of us started dreaming about the future and we all got so excited. it's the first time in a long time that I've seen a guy get that excited about serving Jesus by serving the poor. he just couldn't stop smiling and sometimes jumping as we talked. this time was very encouraging for me.

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