Thursday, October 25, 2007

just today for today

the other day i made one of the biggest commitments of my life. i will be taking tung soo do classes at least twice a week for the next year. i signed a one year contract. that's huge for me. it's scary for me, but we all know i have commitment phobia.

on tuesday israel asked me if i was feeling good about my life since i got back to ohio. like if i was feeling like i wasn't doing anything in comparison with what i was involved in while in chicago. good question buddy. sometimes i feel like i'm failing, but i've realized that my feelings are greatly influenced by the expectations set upon me by the american and christian culture. this time has been wonderful for several reasons, the biggest and most valuable reason is the time spent with my family. it's not what i expected at all but it's been strengthening and challenging.

also, today is my third day on the patch. and the cravings are diminishing quickly. when i told my mom that i was giving it my best shot to quit she said, "oh look at you gettin your life together!" she's so great.

now it's time for lunch with the brother we call nathan, then some alone reading time, then tung soo do! it's sparing night, which means i get to punch and kick people.

p.s. diet coke friends ... check out diet coke plus! same great flavor with additional vitamins and minerals!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're wonderful.