Wednesday, October 03, 2007

i'm not who i thought i was

last night i was realizing that i'm not the person i was a year ago. not at all. and i'm absolutely okay with that. most times i'm a walking contradiction but aren't we all. i truly enjoy being with my family. thick and thin. there are fewer people in my life and i'm okay with that. there's more meaning here now.

while at work yesterday i got into one of those when-other-people-laugh-i-can't-help-laughing-too moods. it was wonderful. israel started fake laughing just to see me start laughing again.

this is probably the best sentence i've heard this week. the other night i went into work after a huge family upset so i was slightly emotional. after i'd talked about it with my co-worker i stared out at the pouring rain and complained about how the weather wasn't helping my emotional state. my co-worker and friend turned to me and said, "laura, God wants it to rain, because then everything can come back and be so much more beautiful." needless to say i started crying again. there are some of the most wonderful people employed by starbucks.

hangin out with the bros today ... then ... we'll see! !!!! ! !! <--- those are explanation points.

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