Sunday, September 09, 2007

name dropping

some wonderful conversations have been had recently. if you know me at all you probably know that I would rather have a deep discussion than just about anything.

friday here's how things went down - met up with Kim Foulis for coffee and zucchini bread at the mean bean cafe. while catching up with her lovely Anna Preston walked in, she was meeting with the equally lovely Casey DeWire. so the four of us reconnected. and even better, all four of us work at different starbucks. we're taking over the world.
after my reunion with Kimmie, I headed over to starbucks to have a little chat with Kelly Young. that conversation was wonderful and made me want to change the world. I love how that happens.
then I went to work and had a blast with Ming Cho and Monica. I've been told that it's strange how much I enjoy working and being with my coworkers.
after work I got together with my friend JT Meyer who I haven't really seen in years. it was stellar. talked about the old testament as fact or story then talked about drugs and everything in between. it was rather enjoyable.

well today is my little brother Clayton's birthday. he's 10 and adorable. I'll probably post pictures.

1 comment:

Kelly McMullen said...

guess what. today is my brother's birthday also! i think a joint birthday party is in order! (mark is turning 21, so clay probably wouldnt be allowed to go. but we can still put his name on the cake.)